Tuesday, December 20, 2011


All of the concerts were awesome and Mrs. Schwartz is so proud of all of you for your hard work and great attitudes!! Have a wonderful break.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chorus Auditions & Speaking Parts

Chorus auditions will be held from October 14th-21st. Please arrive at your selected time. No make-up times will be given unless you were absent. Soloists will be announced the week of October 24th. If you do not receive a solo, you will have the first shot at a speaking part. All music must be learned and memorized. I will choose 2 of the solos for you to sing during your audition. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Schwartz.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

K-6 Music Curriculum/Choral Program

K-6 Curriculum

Kindergarten will:
• sing together and alone
• perform instruments together and alone
• learn how to hold available percussion instruments
• read, write, and perform basic rhythmic patterns
• “Learning Song Unit” (numbers, ABCs, body parts, etc.)
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• prepare and perform a graduation ceremony for parents
• perform a steady beat and perform motions with songs
• be introduced to the Star Spangled Banner
• create motions and rhythms for various songs

First Grade will:
• sing together and alone
• perform instruments together and alone
• read, write, and perform basic rhythm patterns
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• perform a steady beat and perform motions with songs
• group performance will be emphasized
• create motions for ‘action’ songs
• be introduced to band instruments
• use a microphone to sing solos

Second Grade will:
• sing together and alone
• perform instruments together and alone
• read, write, and perform basic rhythm patterns
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• perform a steady beat and perform motions with songs
• collaboration in groups will be emphasized for a rhythm writing unit
• introduction to string instruments
• styles of music will be discussed
• identify instruments using listening skills

Third Grade will:
• sing together and alone
• perform instruments together and alone
• read, write, and perform basic rhythm patterns
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• perform a steady beat and perform motions with songs
• recorder unit- holding instrument, fingerings, breathing, posture,note and rhythm reading, performing solos, duets, and in large groups
• playing ostinato patterns on xylophone bells
• vocabulary quizzes each marking period
• thorough introduction to instrument families with playing demonstration
• identify instruments using listening skills
Fourth Grade will:
• sing together and alone using harmony
• perform instruments together and alone
• read, write, and perform advanced rhythm patterns
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• perform a steady beat and perform motions with songs
• ability to join the chorus and/or band program
• perform ostinato patterns on bells, boomsticks, and percussion instruments
• vocabulary quizzes each marking period
• thorough introduction to instrument families with playing demonstration
• in-depth classroom discussions of musical genres
• identify instruments using listening skills
• meter unit (meter in 2, 3, and 4)
• aural listening unit- listening quizzes

Fifth Grade will:
• sing together and alone using harmony
• perform instruments together and alone
• read, write, and perform complex rhythm patterns
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• ability to join the chorus and/or band program
• perform ostinato patterns on bells, boomsticks, and percussion instruments
• vocabulary quizzes each marking period
• thorough introduction to instrument families with playing demonstration
• identify instruments using listening skills
• relate musical interests to classroom topics
• song mapping (group project- listening skills/creativity)
• aural listening unit- listening quizzes
• sound image/special effects unit: story writing
• partner song unit
• meter unit (numerator, denominator, rhythm chart, math)

Sixth Grade will:
• sing together and alone using harmony
• perform instruments together and alone
• read, write, and perform complex rhythm patterns
• prepare for and perform a holiday show for an audience
• ability to join the chorus and/or band program
• perform ostinato patterns on bells, boomsticks, and percussion instruments
• vocabulary quizzes each marking period
• thorough introduction to instrument families with playing demonstration
• identify instruments using listening skills
• relate musical interests to classroom topics
• aural listening unit- listening quizzes
• partner song unit
• meter unit (numerator, denominator, rhythm chart, math)
• artist report and presentation
• tone chime unit (reading notes/rhythms, counting, dynamics, group performance, and overall musicianship)
• prepare and perform a graduation ceremony for parents
• pitch vs. no pitch (percussion unit)
• sound order and choosing a medium: individual classroom creativity assignment

Choral Program (4-6):
• 2 part harmony
• memorization of lyrics
• choreography
• solo auditions for grades 5 & 6
• speaking parts for grades 5 & 6
• variety of music genres will be performed
• holiday and spring performances for peers and parents
• teamwork, discipline, following general directions

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring 2011

Kindergarten will begin learning some patriotic songs and finish up the school year preparing for Graduation.

First Grade will be completing a listening unit on opposite words: fast/slow, high/low, long/short, and loud/soft.

Second Grade will be taking a quiz on steps, leaps, and repeats and listen to a variety of musical styles in April.

Third Grade is asked to continue practicing the recorder at home. All classes have learned notes G, A, B, and C.

Fourth Grade is beginning their unit on tone chimes. All classes will be assigned parts and begin rehearsing.

Fifth Grade will be reviewing old meters and discussing new meters in songs from America and Scotland. They will finish up the year with a tone chime unit.

Sixth Grade is finishing up a listening/identifying unit on Woodwinds, Brass, Percussion, and Strings. If there is time, they will begin a tone chime unit before preparing music for graduation.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Revised Due Dates for 6th Grade Assignment

Due to the weather cancellations, these are the new due dates for the 6th grade research project:

Herring: Dec. 4th
Hysock: Dec. 8th
Ney: Dec. 9th

Friday, January 21, 2011

6th Grade Due Dates: Research Assignment

Herring: February 2
Hysock: February 4
Ney: February 7

All presentations will begin on the class due date.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

6th Grade Artist Research Assignment

Objective: To find specific information about an approved singer/group and present the findings to the class.

Worth 20 points for 1 page report (typed or handwritten) and 5 points for presentation (2 pts for info., 1pt for clarity, 1 pt for eye contact, 1 pt for volume)

Requested information:

1. Birthday (death-date if it applies)
2. How did person/group get into music?
3. Hit songs (may include up to 5 songs)
4. Awards (Grammy, nominations, or no awards at this time)
5. Entertainment (acting, movies, T.V. show interviews, etc.)
6. Style of music
7. Personal information/interesting information
8. Why do you like this person/group?

Due dates will be given in your music class.

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 2011

Kindergarten will continue with "learning songs" and performing on instruments.

First grade is chanting and learning about marching band instruments.

Second grade is dancing and learning about string instruments.

Third Grade is receiving information about the recorder and starting to learn how the read the notes. The recorders will be passed out in the end of January. The cost is $6.00 for a recorder and book.

Fourth grade is discovering meter in 2 and meter in 3. We are also creating motions to perform with each meter.

Fifth grade is recognizing notes that move by steps, leaps, or repeats. They will identify these notes visually and aurally. They will have a quiz and test.

Sixth grade is bringing home information about an upcoming assignment. They will choose an approved artist/group and research 8 items I have listed. They will share their findings with the class and turn in a one page report. The due dates will be given in class. They will also be learning how to construct a melody.