Thursday, October 23, 2014

General Music Happenings

Grades K, 1, 2, and 3 will begin learning the holiday concert music this week.

Grade 4 will be playing basic melodies on the boom sticks in small groups.

Grades 5 & 6 will be performing student written compositions on the boom sticks in small groups.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Music Department Holiday Happenings!!!

Music Department Announcements:

The elementary music department would like to make you aware of the following changes and additions for the holiday concert season. These dates override the blue school calendar!

December 3rd: K-3 general music classes will rehearse in the NSE gym
December 4th: K-3 general music concert, NSHS, 7 PM
December 8th: All-day rehearsal for 5th grade chorus, NSHS
December 9th: All-day rehearsal for NSE Red band students (Grades 5-6), NSHS
December 10th: All day rehearsal for 4th grade chorus, NSHS
December 10th: NSE Red band concert, NSHS, 7 PM
December 11th: All-day rehearsal for 6th grade chorus, NSHS
December 16th: NSE chorus concert, NSHS, 7 PM

Mrs. Schwartz and Mr. Lennox are looking forward to another fantastic concert season!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 1st- 7th

Kindergarten and First grade classes are writing rhythmic patterns for each other to read and perform on the claves.

All Second-Sixth grade classes have learned/reviewed the staff notes and have been performing basic melodies on instruments such as the piano, bell sets, boom sticks, and tone chimes.

All 4-6 chorus members have received a 4th song and have already begun adding choreography. Solo audition sign-ups are posted on my bulletin board.

Parents, please keep an eye out for the Music Department concert dates coming home on a weekly newsletter in the future. The dates in the blue school calendar have been changed due to the construction projects.