Thursday, October 20, 2016

Week of Oct. 21st-27th

All classes will be working on Halloween/fall activities.

Next rotation will begin holiday concert preparations for grades K-3. Grades 2 & 3 will be given packets to take home and help memorize the lyrics.

All chorus students in grades 4-6 should begin memorizing their music so we may begin standing and trying choreography.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Chorus Facebook Page is Up and Running!!!!

If you have Facebook, then please join my page to stay up-to-date of all of our chorus information.

It is a closed group so you must request to join. Type NSE Choral Department in the search box. Click on join for me to get your request. You will be approved and added to the group quickly!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Welcome Back

Chorus permission slips for grades 4, 5, and 6 are due by September 9th.

General music classes:

Kdg: learning basic rhythms and learning the National Anthem

1st: practice writing and reading rhythms

2nd: Zudio, discuss rock and roll style, perform dance choreography

3rd: Charlotte's Web/woodblock performance

4th: Staff review and team competition

5th: Adelita- Mexican style, meter in 2, conducting pattern

6th: We Are the World writing comparisons

Friday, February 19, 2016

3rd & 6th Assignments

3rd grade recorder assignment:
All students should have their recorders and cases labeled. A sticker or nail polish works well. Also, please put a pencil in your folder.
Practice #3 on your worksheet and fill in the answers at the bottom of the hand out.

6th Grade Artist Research Assignment

Objective: To find specific information about an approved singer/group

Worth 20 points for 1 page report (typed or handwritten). Students are expected to use complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling!

Requested information:

1. Birthday (death-date if it applies)
2. How did person/group get into music?
3. Hit songs (may include up to 5 songs)
4. Awards (Grammy, nominations, or no awards at this time)
5. Entertainment (acting, movies, T.V. show interviews, etc.)
6. Style of music
7. Personal information/interesting information
8. Why do you like this person/group?

Due date: Hysock- 2nd Day 2 in March
David & Bound- 2nd Day 3 in March
Ney- 2nd Day 5 in March

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 3rd- 9th

Kindergarten: "One Hundred Days" What activities have we done in 100 days of school?"

First Grade: "Going Over the Sea" Numbers, rhyming words, & choreography

Second Grade: "There Will Be Peace" Discuss peace, sing, create motions, perform ostinato patterns created by students

Third Grade: Recorder homework- put a pencil in your folder, label your recorder using, tape/sticker/nail polish etc., practice song # 1

Fourth Grade: Bon Jovi Unit, week 1- discuss lyric meaning, 80s rock, band members, sing, talk-box

Fifth Grade: Evolution of Music Technology- talk box through Dubstep!

Sixth Grade: all classes will finish jingle writing performance. Introduction to Artist Research Assignment (artist due in class pending Mrs. Schwartz's approval!)

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 25-29th

Kindergarten: "Friends All Around Us." Sing and perform boomstick ostinatos. Perform ta and ti-ti patterns on hand drums. We will identify the violin and have a live demonstration.

First Grade: "My Peeps." Discuss 'peeps,' sing, and perform the song with boomstick ostinatos. We will review and perform with 'oompah' patterns.

Second Grade: "I'm Letting It Go." Girls will sing the melody while boys sing the harmony. We will create our own choreography while performing ostinato patterns on the boomsticks.

Third Grade: Recorders will be handed out today along with hand-outs. Homework is # 1 & 2 using notes G & A.

Fourth Grade: Students will present their choreography to "Snowy Winter Days" while performing ostinato patterns on the bells and boomsticks.

Fifth Grade: Students will perform their final project for the song "Silly Winter Song."

Sixth Grade: Students will present the song writing jingle project.

Chorus: All CDs and packets have been handed out. If you need one, please see me. You are expected to work on the music at home so we can work on choreography as soon as possible. Solo sign-up information will be coming out soon!

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 15th-22nd

Kindergarten: complete rhythm worksheets and perform patterns in small groups on various percussion instruments.

First Grade: continue adding instrument patterns in the song Shortnin' Bread. Students will sing, perform motions, play boomsticks, and percussion patterns on beats 1 & 3.

Second Grade: students will finish creating choreography to the song Winter Fun. Groups will have rehearsal time before the final performance.

Third Grade: recorder slips have been sent home. Please return them as soon as possible. We are reviewing staff notes in preparation of the recorder unit beginning at the end of January.

Fourth Grade: students will sing and perform ostinato patterns on bells and boom sticks to accompany the song Snowy Winter Day.

Fifth Grade: students will be placed in groups to perform different accompaniment parts to Silly Winter Song. Groups will be: recorder, singing/choreography, and boomstick chords.

Sixth Grade: Jingle writing assignment, part 2.

Friday, January 8, 2016

January 8th-14th

Frog Song- Students will sing and perform ostinato patterns using boom sticks.

First grade:
Shortnin' Bread- Students will sing, perform motions, and perform boom stick ostinato patterns on beats 1 & 3.

Second grade:
Winter Fun- students will read lyrics and sing along. We we break into small groups to create individual choreography. Students will then practice and perform the choreography for the class.

Third grade:
Students will receive recorder sheets to take home and have filled out. The cost is $3.00. We will be working on reading staff notes and rhythms to prepare for the recorder unit. Recorders slips are due back by January 22 and recorders will be delivered to Miss Smith's class on January 29th.

Fourth grade:
Small groups will independently rehearse and perform assigned songs on tone chimes.

Fifth grade:
Students will listen to and discuss Locked Away. We will define chords, ostinatos, and percussion parts before performing in groups.

Sixth grade:
Students will begin the Jingle Writing Assignment. All work will be done during class time.