Monday, September 12, 2016

Chorus Facebook Page is Up and Running!!!!

If you have Facebook, then please join my page to stay up-to-date of all of our chorus information.

It is a closed group so you must request to join. Type NSE Choral Department in the search box. Click on join for me to get your request. You will be approved and added to the group quickly!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Welcome Back

Chorus permission slips for grades 4, 5, and 6 are due by September 9th.

General music classes:

Kdg: learning basic rhythms and learning the National Anthem

1st: practice writing and reading rhythms

2nd: Zudio, discuss rock and roll style, perform dance choreography

3rd: Charlotte's Web/woodblock performance

4th: Staff review and team competition

5th: Adelita- Mexican style, meter in 2, conducting pattern

6th: We Are the World writing comparisons