Thursday, February 23, 2017

Feb 22-28

K-Locomotor movements and listening activity.

1- Lullaby unit with percussion performances on beats 2 & 4

2- Country line dance and creating new dance moves to the beat.

3-McCabe- # 6 & 7
Lynch- # 8
Shadle # 6 & 7
Smith # 4 & 5

4- Begin Evolution on Music technology unit, Madness by Muse and Kitara introduction.

5- Performing chords with Locked Away by Adam Levine and R. City.

6- Continue rhythm writing review and add staff notes. Return all classwork.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Rotation of Feb 13-21

5th Grade Chorus auditions will be this week and extend through Tuesday, Feb 21st.

A reminder that our NSE Choral Department has a Facebook page for 4th, 5th, and 6th chorus students and parents to stay informed and share ideas. Please type NSE Choral Department into the search box and send me a join request.

Kindergarten: Frog song, chords, boomsticks, and singing

First Grade: When the Saints Go Marching In, naming instruments by sound, choreography, and Marching Band

Second Grade: Draw what you hear!!!! Discuss Chinese instruments in art activity.

Third Grade: Write in letters on the bottom of the page with song 3 & 4. Practice song 5 as your homework. (Miss Smith's class is behind due to Valentine parties and should practice song 3 & 4)

Fourth Grade: Bon Jovi quiz, introduce and discuss synthesizer use.

Fifth Grade: Watch 2 short videos on Foley Artists in the studio.

Sixth Grade: Perform your rhythm composition with your group. You will have rehearsal time as a group before your final performance. (Miss Ney's class is behind due to my absence. You will compose your composition this week)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Chorus Auditions

Solo Auditions for chorus are:

6th grade Feb 6th-9th
5th grade Feb 13th-16th
4th grade Feb 21st-24th

Grades K-2 will be learning Valentine's Day songs this rotation.

3rd Grade is assigned to practice recorder songs # 1 & 2.

4th Grade will continue with their Bon Jovi unit learning about the uses of the talk box.

5th Grade will have a sight and sound listening quiz on notes that move by step, leap, and repeat.

6th Grade is beginning a rhythm unit focusing on sixteenth notes, math values, and performing written rhythm compositions.