Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January, Rotation 3

KDG: Roll Over song and game, counting backwards from 10, following directions, writing numbers forward and backward on sentence strips

1st: Three Little Pigs Jive, chant style, syncopated pattern on wood blocks, Read story from Wolf's perspective

2nd: Frogs, Chinese instruments, staccato style singing, imagination/interpretation, draw what your hear ideas

3rd: Staff introduction continued, complete worksheet and explain game on tape lines.

4th: Finish Rolling in the Deep, introduce Can't Stop the Feeling

5th: speed up tuning process, C chord and A minor chord. Practice transition. F and G chords if time permits

6th: individual Chromebook word finding 10 sounds for creative writing foley project

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Rotation 2 January

KDG: learning songs, ABC Rock, echo, writing upper and lower case alphabet

1st: repeat sign, rhyming words composition and partner performance

2nd: Oh Watch the Stars, Lullaby, ostinato bell pattern performance

3rd: Staff introduction and recorder slips handed out

4th: bucket drumming, Adele, section B & C

5th: continue Uke tuning, begin C chord and A minor chord

6th: Tech demonstration in Google Drive using

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January, Rotation 1

KDG: loco motor movements matched to music, Movement Rondo

1st: Chant, Rap, clave/maraca performance, introduce triplet, create rhyming word pattern

2nd: carousel music, 100 year old organ, Let's Go Fly a Kite, melodic contour worksheet

3rd: intro to recorder information, begin staff notes and basic rhythms

4th: Bucket Drumming, Lesson 1

5th: intro to Ukulele, tuning for beginnings, each section works on tuning a string

6th: intro to Foley Sound Effects unit, brainstorming sheet due in class, bullet points only