Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Winter Concert!!!!

Winter Concert Information from the NSE Music Department

The NSE music department is excited to announce the winter concert dates! All concerts will take place in the high school auditorium on December 8th with a snow date of December 15th. As in the past, monetary donations will be accepted at the door, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be in the gymnasium for pictures before grades K-3 perform, food and drinks will be sold in the lobby, and advanced orders of flower bouquets will available for your special performer (papers will be sent home in the next few weeks).
Please arrive 30 minutes before your student’s grade level is performing and report to the high school gymnasium. Holiday attire/dress up clothing is permitted; please, no jeans or sweat pants. Staging diagrams will be hung in the high school lobby and posted on the PTO Facebook page closer to the event.
Kindergarten 10 AM
First Grade 11 AM
Second Grade 12 PM
Third Grade 1 PM
Fourth Grade Chorus 2 PM
Fifth Grade Chorus 3 PM
Sixth Grade Chorus 4 PM
Concert & Symphonic Bands 5 PM

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Oct. 31-Nov 6

K-3: Concert prep, singing in unison, harmony, choreography, memorization, sharing, teamwork, etc.

4th: Do Wah Diddy, meter in 2, non-sense syllables, perform 2 beat hand patterns, create new 2 beat patterns

5th: finish foley project and begin presentations

6th: rhythm complex grid, reggae style, Bob/Ziggy Marley, perform chords on tone chimes and use piano for bass line, suspended cymbal, and hand drums for in-class performance

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


k-3: Concert prep, singing in unison, harmony, choreography, memorization, sharing, teamwork, etc.

4th Grade: finish Halloween instrument performance, Halloween Partner song, Jingle Bells partner song example

5th Grade: Foley artist story writing assignment using soundbible.com

6th: Begin practicing rap rewrite w/ and w/o karaoke track

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Oct. 10-16

k-4: seasonal, fall, Halloween activities this rotation

5th Grade: begin writing sound story, brain storming, foley sound effects

6th Grade: Rap writing should be started on the final copy

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oct. 2-10

KDG: Jump That Jody, steady beat, identifying percussion instruments by sound, performing, creating body movements

1st: You'll Sing a Song, ways to use your voice, demonstration game, rhythm writing/reading/performing in small groups

2nd: Sounds Around Us, describing every day sounds using opposite words

3rd: 3rd: Stodola Pumpa, tempo, non-sense syllables, wood block performance

4th: Breathe Easy Blues, compare music lyrics to ELA standards, singing, percussion performance

5th: Introduce Foley Artist video and begin sound effects unit

6th: Continue rap rewriting assignment

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sept 25-Oct 1

Kdg: National Anthem review; Head and Shoulders, tempo, drum and maraca performance

1st: Chicka Hanka, trains, 'sidetrack,' repeated patterns, egg shakers performance

2nd: Shake Hands, Mary, steady beat with body movements, create new body movements in small groups, perform new patterns with song, non-sense syllables

3rd: Stodola Pumpa, tempo, non-sense syllables, wood block performance

4th: Joe Turner Blues, Blues vs Jazz style describe vocal technique, perform rhythm game to blues song

5th: Come and Go With Me to that Land, gospel style, tambourine, performance on beats 2 & 4

6th: Continue working on rap writing, research, brainstorm

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sept 18-24

KDG: National Anthem, history, vocabulary, egg shakers

First: Beat vs No Beat practice quiz, rhythm review/woodblock performance

Second: Springtime Has Come, Japanese music, gong

Third: Supermarket Shuffle, rap, write and perform rap sentence to rap track

Fourth: Steady Silent beat, jazz style, non-sense syllables, percussion performance

Fifth: Tzena, 4/4, conduct, chord, tonechime/boomstick performance

Sixth: Pick groups, charities, research to create new rap lyrics to the 2010 version of We Are the World

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September Week 2

Kindergarten: Fingerplay activities, rhythm reading, writing, performance activities on drums

First Grade: Walk Right In, steady beat in feet, beat vs. no beat, rhythm reading, writing, performance activities on drums

Second Grade: Down, Down Baby, hand clapping games, create hand clapping game in small groups with performance

Third Grade: Rockin' Robin, review verse/chorus, sing, perform tambourine patterns as accompaniment, watch Jackson 5 version on YouTube

Fourth Grade: Rock Around the Clock, chorus/verse/introduction/interlude/chord vocab words, discuss Elvis, perform boomstick chords

Fifth Grade: Roll On Columbia, melody, harmony, descant, meter in 3/4, conduct, Woodie Guthrie, boomstick chord performance

Sixth Grade: We Are the World, compare/contrast old vs. new, watch both YouTube videos, worth 10 pts

CHORUS SLIPS ARE STILL BEING ACCEPTED!!!! Our first rehearsal will be September 18th during recess time.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Welcome Back 2018-19

Chorus will begin on September 18th! I will collect permission slips until then.

4th Grade Show The Great Big Holiday Bake-Off

5th Grade Show Karaoke Christmas

6th Grade Show Santa's Holiday Playlist

Chorus will meet every day 1 & 6 during recess.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

May: Week 1

Kdg: Farewell ceremony rehearsals

1st: Each of Us is a Flower, discussion, choreography, weather poem/percussion experiment

2nd: Lone Star Trail, identifying and performing steps/leaps/repeats on the bells

3rd: BAGE mad minute sheet, Number 10, pentatonic improv.

4/5: Bucket drumming composition, section A final copy due, section B rough draft due

6th: Farewell music rehearsals

**** I will be out on Tuesday and Wednesday for Band rehearsals at the high school. Alternate lessons will be left for classes affected on those days.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

End of April

KDG: Farewell Ceremony- lyrics, choreography, stage presence, volume, dynamics

1st: Old House- Call & response, construction equipment, creating choreography, boom stick chords, identify instruments in song

2nd: Sunset- Native American culture/instruments, use symbols as art to represent lyrics

3rd: Play 9 & 10, complete a timed Madminute sheet with notes B, A, G, E. Assign number 11

4/5/6: S. will form small groups to compose their own bucket drumming ostinato to the song Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

Chorus: please check your emails/FB page for all upcoming concert info. Hard copy information is also available on my bulletin board for students to take home!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April: Week 1

Kdg: Soap & Water, learning activity, boom sticks, apply

1st Grade: Shortnin' Bread, story and discuss meaning, sing, dance, boom stick chords.

2nd Grade:Old John Braddelum: half note, rhyming words, wood block performance.

3rd Grade: Hot Cross Buns playing test. Prepare the variation with ti-ti for next class.

4/5/6: Begin Come Together by The Beatles. Work on difficult patterns very slowly for the assessment.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Rotation 3 in March

KDG: Lion's Lullaby, soft, chords, broken chord style, boomsticks

1st: Going Over the Sea, rhyming words, dance choreography, create new rhyming words and choreography for a class performance

2nd: Ise Oluwa, Africa, African instruments, music in Africa, ostinato, melody, harmony

3rd: Practice # 6 & 7

4/5/6: Begin Can't Stop the Feeling Bucket Drumming song

Monday, March 12, 2018

Happy Music In Our School Month

Kdg: Ya, Ya, Ya, Africa Lullaby, drum/maraca performance, boomstick chords

1st: Acka, Backa, Soda, Cracka, Tempo, steady beat game, body percussion

2nd: Waddaly Atcha, non-sense words, hand jive, creating new hand jive movements

3rd: G-A-B Mad Minute staff worksheet. Perform song # 5. Song # 6 & 7 assigned for next class.

4/5/6: We will finish Rolling in the Deep during this rotation of bucket drumming.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Rotation 1 in March

K: Circle Round the Zero, following directions in song lyrics, ostnato chords on boomsticks

1st: El Coqui, performing 2 different chords on boomsticks

2nd: How Good and Joyous, 3 different percussion ostinatos at the same time, ensemble

3rd: Song 3 & 4 Due, complete note names at bottom of page, individual lessons with teacher

4/5/6: bucket drumming, Rolling in the Deep, reading percussion notation

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Rotation 3 In Feb.

KDG: Allee, Allee O! Discuss boats, play game, boomstick chord accompaniment

1st: Clap Your Hands. Loud vs Soft opposite words, boomstick chord accompaniment

2nd: Old Dan Tucker. Country style, tall tales, chorus/verse, play game with song

3rd: Practice Songs 1, 2, and 3. B & A should be easy for you to read and play on the recorder while practicing at home.

4/5/6: Begin bucket drumming unit. Expectations, procedures, equipment, notation, parts of bucket, stick technique, song practice, clean up procedures.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Rotation 2 in February

Kindergarten: will visually and aurally identify things that are same and different

!st: lullaby unit, loud vs. soft music

2nd: Rock About My Saro Jane, folk style vs. rock style

3rd: Just B must be prepared, Just A will be assigned. Make sure all recorders are labeled with initials

4th: Step, Leap, Repeat review and listening quiz

5th/6th: Individual staff assessment activity. Placement of notes on staff

Friday, February 2, 2018

Rotation 1 in Feb

Kdg: learning song unit, Days of the Week, Numbers Rap, Boomstick ostinato patterns

First: Lullaby unit, perform finger cymbals on downbeat, soft voices

Second: String sounds, violin demonstration, student bow experiment

Third: Recorders will be handed out. Assignment: label student initials on the recorder with a sticker or nail polish, practice song # 1 'B'

Fourth: Over the Rainbow, Finish step/leap/repeat unit, prepare for quiz next class

Fifth & Sixth: Staff labeling game for bonus points on music grade!

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Grade level huddles will begin in the gym to start off specials this week.

All classes will have shortened review lessons in music.

K-2: Rhythm writing/percussion performance

3: Staff introduction for recorder/turn in recorder permission slips

4: Step, leap, repeat unit

5 & 6: staff review and team games as time permits

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happy New Year

K: ABC Rock, learning songs, echo, F chord ostinatos, practice writing ABCs

1: Chanting stories, ostinato patterns performed with chant, kids create own ostinatos

2: Oh, Watch the Stars, upward, downward, ostinato bell patterns

3: Introduction to the Recorder Unit, students will bring a permission slip home, please return before January 26th.

4: La Cucaracha, Mexican style music, commonly used instruments, meter in 3, percussion performance

5: Partner songs, sing independently, sing together, final performance, boom stick ostinato accompaniment

6: On the Road Again, Willie Nelson, country style music, repeated notes/rhythms, specialty instruments used