Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Week 6

Kindergarten: Movement Rondo, how to move to different music, listening worksheet

First Grade: You'll Sing a Song, ways to use the voice, rhythm game if time permits

Second Grade: Let's Go Fly a Kite, melodic contour, carousel music, contour worksheet

Third Grade: It's a Small World and East/West, steady beat, marching band, dance moves on the beat, strong and weak beats

Fourth Graade: Clock Music, imagery, art/music relationship, woodblock ticking, woodblock performances, Compare to Sleigh Ride

Fifth Grade: Work on sound story with added Foley effects

Sixth Grade: Begin rehearsing composed rap lyrics with Karaoke track

Chorus: All students should listen to song 1 & 2 in their packets to prepare for chorus this week. Memorize as much as you can so we can start auditions for solos and speaking roles.

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